Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Banking and IFSC Code
Banking sector has been revolutionized over the last decades. The era of digitalization has completely transformed the world of banking. It’s hard to imagine a time when the simple task of checking your bank account balance required a trip to bank. Through Internet banking, you can check your account balance, transfer funds and more within a fraction of seconds, right from your smartphones or laptops. Thanks to the massive advancements in technology that marked the beginning of the new era of banking sector which have given their customers easy money transfer methods like NEFT. NEFT or National Electronic Funds transfer facilitates transfer of funds to other bank accounts across the country in the quickest possible time. Reputed institutions like ICICI and HDFC also offer Internet banking and NEFT transfer. Procedure is quite simple for making a transaction. First you need to create a user id on the official website of your banking institution and then add the IFSC code. After y...